About Us
In a perverse world of Self-love, we choose to reciprocate the love of God which sent Christ to Earth, to die for the remission of our sins. We choose to live in the light of the greatest commandment, which is to love God, and to love our neighbor as ourselves. We love God with ALL our heart, ALL our soul and ALL our mind [Matthew 22:37-39]. In doing so, we have elected to love God with total abandon, and owe nobody but love. It is our deliberate will to be the Bible and compass others read to find God’s love as He transforms their lives through His Word.
What We Stand For

We believe the Universe and all that is in it was created by a Sovereign God, Jehovah I AM WHO I AM…our Father in Heaven. He made all races for His good pleasure and divine purpose in Christ. Consequently, God is no respecter of persons. His will is for mankind everywhere to be reconciled to Him in a relational Covenant through Christ Jesus.
We believe sin came into the world through Adam’s disobedience and Eve’s fall to the deception of the serpent [the devil] in the Garden of Eden. God’s Salvation plan was complete in Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son; who died at the Cross of Calvary to redeem all mankind from death – the curse of the Law. We believe in the remembrance of Jesus’ sacrifice at Calvary with the constant celebration of the Lord’s Supper [Holy Communion] complete with the tokens of His Blood and His Body.
We believe in Jesus Christ who rose from the dead on the third day, and ascended into Heaven in the presence of many witnesses. Right now, He is our advocate with the Father, who is also preparing an eternal home for all Believers in Heaven. We believe in Baptism by water immersion by which we identify with the death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, our divine gift from Jesus Christ. We believe in the Baptism of the Holy Spirit by which we become capable of speaking to God in other tongues or spiritual language. We now live under the ministry of the Holy Spirit who is our Teacher and Comforter. He completes the three-part God-Head also known as the Holy Trinity.
We believe that at a time known only to God, the Father, Jesus will once again return to the Earth to take Believers Home to Heaven for eternity. We live for that day as disciples called to draw all men into the Kingdom of God, so that every soul that accepts Jesus as Lord and Savior could avoid Satan’s sentence i.e. eternal damnation in hell.
15210 Dino Drive, Burtonsville MD 20866
(Above the Burtonsville Post Office)
Why We Do What We Do
[Matthew 28:19-20].
We choose not to conform to the world on any subject matter, especially when there is any departure from the Word of God clearly recorded in Genesis to Revelation.

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